The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has announced that a new points-based Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS) will apply to new Employment Pass (EP) applications beginning September 1, 2023 and to EP renewals beginning September 1, 2024.
COMPASS is part of a two-stage eligibility framework for EP holders. In addition to meeting the qualifying salary (Stage 1), EP candidates must score sufficient points under COMPASS (Stage 2). COMPASS considers both individual and firm-related attributes to holistically evaluate an EP candidate’s complementarity to Singapore’s workforce. All applications are scored on four foundational criteria, including salary, qualifications, diversity, and support for local employment. Additional points are awarded based on skill shortage occupations and/or strategic economic priorities programs (undertaken by employers) including partnerships with the Government on ambitious innovation or internalization activities.
For more information on this alert and for a Singapore immigration assessment, please reach out to the T&S APAC team at [email protected].