On March 28, 2022, the Italian parliament voted a new visa and residence permit into the immigration regulations. The “digital nomad” visa is specifically aimed at enticing remote workers from outside the European Union to live in Italy. Full details of the visa application process and requirements are not yet finalized and should be forthcoming after adoption of the official guidelines by the Italian Government, expected within 30 days.
Digital Nomads Defined
As provided in this new law, digital nomads are “third-country nationals who carry out highly qualified activities through the use of technological tools that allow them to work remotely, autonomously or for a company which is based outside the Italian territory.” The precise meaning of “highly qualified” has not been established, but Italian officials have suggested that there will be a minimum income requirement.
Eligibility and Benefits
- Third-country nationals who want to carry out their work activities remotely in Italy will soon be able to directly apply for a visa at the Italian Embassy/Consulate in their country of residence—without the need to apply in advance for a work authorization (nulla osta)—and, should obtain a residence permit for a period not exceeding one year.
- Applicants will need to demonstrate evidence of existing health insurance covering all the risks related to their stay in Italy and must affirm that they will comply with the tax and social security obligations of Italian law.